
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-1-70-74
Experience of long epidural analgesia and its influence on the delivery currency and perinatal outcomes

D.M. Ismailova, M.F. Dodhoeva, K.S. Dodoeva, D.I. Karabayev

Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 Avicenna TSMU

The article presents the results of a study of labor analgesia using continuous epidural analgesia (EA) and Promedol. Authors have determined that duration of delivery does not substantially depend on kind of analgesia. Duration of the second period using EA averaged was 36,8 minutes (43,2 minutes, respectively – in the comparison group).

From 19,4% (20 cases) patients of the main group with dystocia only for one birthing mother performed caesarean operation, which equaled to 5%. The remaining 19 (95%) women in labor EA has reduced the duration of labor, helped bring about the state of relative comfort. In the control group only one of 7 mothers with dystocia, preterm delivery ended vaginally, in remaining women completed by cesarean section due to treatment failure, and in one case anesthesia by Promedol conducted two times. We found that EA does not significantly affect the duration of labor, and at dystocia has a therapeutic effect, which allows its use not only for pain relief, but also as a therapeutic method in correcting anomalies labor.

Keywords: epidural anesthesia, labor pain relief, Promedol, dystocia.

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