
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-4-84-89
Sanatorium-resort therapy of patients with metabolic syndrome with various terms of treatment cycles

E.N. Chalaya, A.M. Shatrov, A.N. Elizarov, M.G. Estenkova

Federal State Budget Institution «Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Health Resort of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency», Pyatigorsk, Russia

Investigations of 100 patients with metabolic disorders are performed in which basic therapy (diet, exercise therapy, drinking of mineral water «Narzan» room temperature, Narzan baths) and intake of phytococktails in combination with cold “Narzan” were used.

In courseintakeof cold Narzan with phytococktailsby 7, 14 and 21 daysduration, compared to standard sanatorium therapy (including drinking of warm Narzan), thereis a gradual increase of the therapeutic effect, while after 2 weeks regression of basic clinical and laboratory parameters of metabolic syndrome was comparable to a standard 21-day sanatorium-resort therapy. At elon-gation treatment cycle to 21 days modified technique has clear advantages that showed a greater weight loss, decreasing blood pressure, a significant regression of insulin resistanceindex.

Keywords: metabolic syndrome, drinking mineral water, sanatorium-resort therapy.

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