
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-4-119-125
To the question about the causes of relapse pulmonary tuberculosis

R.R. Jumaev, O.I. Bobokhojaev, U.Yu. Sirojidinova

Chair of Phthisiopulmonology Avicenna TSMU

Summarizing of literature data devoted to the study of causes of pulmonary tuberculosis recurrence common factors were identified: a form of tuberculosis previously adopted, when there was a extensive tubercular process; infiltrative, often bilateral tuberculosis; disseminated and fibrocavernous tuberculosis; caseous pneumonia.

After treatment of these forms are often left large residual changes in lungs, timely preventive treatment is not carried out, as well as the presence of contact with the eliminators of bacill

(superinfection), including MDR-TB; the presence of social factors and associated nonspecific diseases such as diabetes, COPD, HIV infection, in turn, become causes of recurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Keywords: pulmonary tuberculosis, relapse, pulmonary reactivation process.

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