
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-4-90-95
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of articular syndrome in adults district of the Republic of Tajikistan

M.F. Akhunova, S.M. Shukurova, B.R. Shodiev

Chair of Internal Diseases Propaedeutics Avicenna TSMU

The article presents the clinical and epidemiological data of articular complaints of the adult population of Bobojon Gafurov district in the Republic of Tajikistan. Analysis of the questionnaires were screened (n=3000) of the adult population has shown that pain in the knee and / or hip joints are found in 48,3% of the urban population and in 61,5% – rural, complaints of edema in the joints in 23,3% and 27,3%, respectively. The spectrum of rheumatologic disease in adults in rural and urban residents is represented mainly by osteoarthritis (OA) (68,8%) and rheumatoid arthritis (10,9%). Thus patients with OA often have given medical care at therapist on an outpatient basis (75%).

Keywords: joint syndrome, arthralgia, osteoarthritis, arthritis.

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