
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-4-73-77
Clinical features and risk factors for preeclampsia and eclampsia in women in Afghanistan

Farid Shafik Ahmad, Muhammad Hassan Farid

Medical Faculty of the Herat State University, Afghanistan

A retrospective analysis of medical records 604 women (aged 23-28 years) suffering from preeclampsia pregnancy, provided by the State Maternity Hospital of Herat (Afghanistan) was conducted.

The frequency of hypertensive disorders was 2,7% from the total number of admitted pregnant, while in 14,6% of cases is diagnosed mild preeclampsia, in 61,8% – severe preeclampsia and in 23,6% – eclampsia. Among the investigated contingent identified maternal complications (5,7%), HELLPsyndrome (1,2%), postpartum hemorrhage (0,8%), preterm delivery (33,8%), while the maternal mortality rate was 1,6% and perinatal mortality – 11,2%.

Pregnancy was assessed in accordance with the preeclampsiapredisposing factors, such as anemia, renal failure, hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, and liver lesion. As a result in 21% of the cases anemia and 6% – kidney failure are revealed.

Keywords: preeclampsia, eclampsia, maternal and perinatal mortality, HELLP-syndrome.

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