
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-4-105-109
Clinical features of mitral valve prolapse in pregnant women

M.E. Ismoilova, Sh.M. Kurbanov, T.V. Atadjanov, Sh. Oymahmadova, M.A. Kurbanova

SI Tajik Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Analysis of 105 pregnant women investigations with mitral valve prolapse showed that frequency of clinical symptoms increases with the increasing of mitral regurgitation.

In mitral regurgitation (MR) I degree heart rate increased to 54,2%, weakness – up to 57%, shortness of breath and dizziness – to 28,5%. In 22,8% of cases, patients began to complain of cardialgia.

In mitral regurgitation II degree heart rate was as high as possible (72,2%). Continued to remain in high rate the dyspnea (16,6%), edema with dizziness (16,6%), cardialgia (16,6%). Increased level of occurrence and symptoms such as vegetative-vascular crises with psycho-emotional disorders (16,6%).

In mitral regurgitation II degree frequency of early gestosis and the threat of pregnancy termination has increased by 4 – fold (19% and 30%), placental insufficiency – 2,5 (24%), premature rupture of membranes and uterine inertia – 2,2 (26,4%), perinatal mortality – by 2,5 times.

Thus, in pregnant clinically severe mitral valve prolapse passed hardly in regurgitation of blood II degree.

Keywords: mitral valve prolapse, pregnancy, mitral regurgitation.

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