
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-4-138-140
Condition of hemostasis in infants with pneumonia

K.I. Ismoilov, S.T. Davlatov, M.A. Ismoilova

Chair of Children’s Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU

In this article presented the results of study of all hemostasis components in 56 infants with bacterial pneumonia.

In the majority of surveyed patients (48,2%) revealed activation of plasma hemostasis as shortening of blood clotting time by Lee-White (1,5±0,13 min), increase in fibrinogen concentration (5,8±0,91%) in serum.

In 1/3 patients consuption coagulopathy with reduction in blood plasma coagulation factors (prothrombin index - 64,5±3,4%; fibrinogen - 1,6±0,4 g/l) and number of platelets in peripheral blood (146,3±7,4х109 g/l) are determined. And in 19,64% of children with pneumonia revealed increase blood fibrinolytic activity (144,3±5,1 sec). Identify changes in the blood coagulation in children with bacterial pneumonia dictate the need to add to conventional treatment of medications with hemostabil effect.

Keywords: pneumonia, hemostasis, coagulopathy, clotting time of blood, fibrinolytic activity.

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